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Reviews are in for Fresh Mountain Air in London

Julia Thurston, Olivia Cordell, and Julianna Galassi from the cast of "Fresh Mountain Air"
Julia Thurston, Olivia Cordell, and Julianna Galassi from the cast of "Fresh Mountain Air"

The London premiere of Fresh Mountain Air was terrific! Thanks to the wonderful creative team, cast, and audience members who shared in this experience. Here are a few quotes that stood out from reviewers who enjoyed the show:

"The play subtly weaves discussions of race, womanhood and politics (in all it’s aspects) throughout and these topics clash in unexpected ways throughout...Penny Gkritzapi had a lot of fun with this production and didn’t hold back in exploring the themes it demanded. She has an eye for plays with tight stories which act as a vehicle to drive home discussions." - Tabitha James

"Fresh Mountain Air is a piece that allows for quiet moments of bonding (a favourite song, admiration of the surroundings, planning a meal) while never losing sight of the threat that grows as the play progresses. We have all read about how minorities are treated within the USA by police and citizens alike, and recognise the power of the gun lobby to hang onto their ‘right to bear arms’ regardless of the consequences. This is just one story that could happen. The power of suggestion is strong. This is a strong start to the pub theatre scene for my 2025." - Louise Penn

"Michael Eichler’s writing, known for its engagement with issues faced by working-class families, brings authenticity and urgency to the play." - Live London Post

"Michael Eichler’s dialogue pounds along naturalistically, especially when the chips are down and two characters do an outrageous volte-face. And director Penny Gkritzapi makes imaginative use of every inch of the roomy playing space and set." - Susan Elkin Reviews

"Amidst a dramatic and generally well- paced core narrative structure, Fresh Mountain Air offers its audience significant food for thought about the external pressures and belief systems that govern our thought processes and, in some circumstances, can lead to actions with devastating consequences." - Johnny Oxford



Tuesday, January 14, 2025 at 7:30 pm

Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at 7:30 pm

Thursday, January 16 2025 at 7:30 pm

Friday, January 17, 2025 at 7:30 pm

Saturday, January 18, 2025 at 7:30 pm

About Fresh Mountain Air:

A story of guns, violence, racism, and politics and the deep divisions affecting all of us. It follows three young American women who join a hiking organisation and meet for the first time in a secluded cabin in the woods. They return from their first hike to find the innkeeper and their three rental cars gone. It is getting dark, the nearest town is twenty miles away and there is no internet or phone service.

The women find a radio and decide to stay overnight and hike to town in the morning. They hear a radio bulletin announcing there has been a prison break at a nearby maximum security facility. They find a gun in the drawer. Is the threat outside the cabin or within?

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